Tuned to Deliver the Best Electrical Performance
All Gen2 XDAQs now features electrically isolated ports to the headstages virtually eliminate any device coupled noise contamination to the electrophysiology signal.
Electrical power inputs are filtered and buffered to deliver a clean, stable power to the system. Sensitive analog signal path is carefully routed and impedance matched for best performance.
Lighting Fast, Portable
All Gen2 XDAQs are built on a super fast communication interface with up to 40Gbps bidirectional data transfer and ultra-low latency communication(<0.5us measured [link to video or write up]) Run the experiments with a modern laptop anywhere that suits you.
(未撰寫段落)(Only available at AIO model)
Video Capture & Behavior tracking
XDAQ AIO is powered by a dedicated video processor. Encode video and audio without a frame loss.
Run popular AI packages like the Deeplabcut Live with low level access to XDAQ’s Neural Acquisition Engine.
(Only available at AIO model)
(未撰寫段落)(Only available at AIO model)
Supports 32bit of IO Control
The XDAQ Expander provides IO expansion to the XDAQ family with additional:
- 24 Digital IN
- 24 Digital OUT
- 6 Analog IN
- 6 Analog OUT